The Start of My Geothermal Career

In the early 1980s, geothermal heating and cooling systems were gaining a foothold in the United States. Electrical power providers saw the potential of Geothermal Heating and Cooling systems. They started offering great rebate incentives to consumers and businesses for installing these.

In 1995 I decided to get involved in the Geothermal service and installation market. With my background in commercial refrigeration service and installations, it seemed like Geothermal would be a good fit for my company. I attended training from a leading manufacturer (at the time Econar geothermal systems) and installed my first system in 1996 in my own home.

I learned a lot about these 300+% efficiency heating and cooling systems from my own home. If I was going to install these systems for the customers I had, I wanted to make sure I knew what the benefits are, and how well they really work.

This was the start of my Geothermal career which took me on some great career paths which will be discussed in further posts.